What is a Class Action Lawsuit? Part Two

Published in Class Actions on June 14, 2017

While corporations and tort reform advocates lament class actions and have aggressively sought to limit your ability to bring a class action lawsuits (see the Fairness in Class Action Litigation and Furthering Asbestos Claim Transparency Act, which the House of Representatives passed earlier this year), the truth is that class actions provide great protections to individuals. In a previous post,… READ MORE

What is a Class Action Lawsuit? Part One

Published in Class Actions on June 6, 2017

How many of you have received a letter or email telling you that you are eligible to receive compensation because you purchased some product or service, but you have no idea how the postcard made its way to your mailbox? The answer is that the letter or email is generally the result of a class-action lawsuit filed somewhere in the… READ MORE

Grandparent Visitation

Published in Family Law on June 5, 2017

Many grandparents want to know what legal rights that they have to see their grandchildren. In many families, these questions come up in a divorce, the separation of unmarried couple or the death of one of the parents of the grandchild.  Missouri law does provide some protection for a grandparent in these situations.  Missouri provides for four instances when a… READ MORE

5 Tips for Preparing For Your First Estate Planning Appointment

Published in Estate Planning on February 7, 2017

1) Come with questions.  Most clients haven’t been through situations to become familiar with estate planning concepts.  Don’t be ashamed that you don’t understand what a trust is, how it works, who is in charge, etc. Many people believe a will is sufficient to avoid probate, which is not the case — a will merely directs the probate process.  A… READ MORE

Child Support for Special Needs Children

Published in Family Law on January 20, 2017

Child support for special needs children can extend beyond the age of 21. Under Missouri law there are three requirements that must be established in order for a special needs child to be entitled to support past the age of 21.   First, the child must be physically or mentally incapacitated from supporting himself or herself.  Second, the child must be… READ MORE

Are The Wishes of Children Considered In A Custody Case?

Published in Family Law on December 16, 2016

Parents involved in a contested custody case frequently ask what age a child must be before the child can decide where he or she wants to live. The answer to this question is that a child cannot make that decision.  When a child becomes an adult at age 18, then he or she can make their own decision about where… READ MORE

Tenancy by the Entirety: Extra Creditor Protection for Married Couples

Published in Commercial Law on December 2, 2016

It is not common for anyone to incur a debt that they cannot pay on purpose. All it takes is a little bad luck, and debts can begin to pile up fast.  When you find yourself subjected to creditors and collections, are there any additional creditor protections available for married couples? In Missouri, the answer is “yes,” but only for… READ MORE

Navigating Auto Insurance Following an Accident

Published in Personal Injury on November 18, 2016

The complicated nature of automobile insurance can lead to confusion after a person is involved in a car accident. Rather than focusing on getting well after suffering injuries, many collision victims find themselves sucked into a “red-tape” nightmare to ensure that the insurance companies have the right information to process claims. For more information about your specific case, contact an experienced… READ MORE

Why Everyone Needs to do Estate Planning

Published in Estate Planning on November 7, 2016

No matter who you are, what assets you own, and who you want to be the beneficiaries of your estate, you need to do some estate planning. Some people don’t need much help to accomplish their objectives, while others need a lot of assistance in accomplishing theirs. The methods that are best for you will vary depending upon who you… READ MORE

Sole v. Joint Legal Custody

Published in Family Law on October 28, 2016

Custody has two parts: physical custody and legal custody. The term “physical custody” is the party of custody that parents most easily understand.  Physical custody is concerned with the period of time which the child resides with or is under the care or supervision of a parent. The term “legal custody” is concerned with who has the decision-making rights, responsibilities… READ MORE