How to Lose a Medical Malpractice Case

Published in Medical Malpractice on May 2, 2018

There are two primary issues that doctors, hospitals, nurses, and other medical professionals frequently use to avoid compensating patients who are injured while receiving medical treatment—standard of care and informed consent. For more information, contact a Springfield medical malpractice lawyer. What do you have to prove to win a medical malpractice case? Before we discuss how to lose a case,… READ MORE

Do I Need a Trust?

Published in Estate Planning on April 17, 2018

Clients who are looking to do estate planning commonly ask questions like – “Do I have enough assets to need a trust?” and “Are we too young to need a trust?”  This brief article is intended to address these common questions.   The answer to these questions, as you might expect, will differ from state to state. In Missouri, you generally… READ MORE

How Much is my Personal Injury Case Worth?

Published in Personal Injury on February 16, 2018

One of the most common questions I hear from my personal injury clients is “How much is my case worth?” Unfortunately, a lawsuit or insurance claim is not as easy to put a price tag on as some of the treasures you might see on The Antique Roadshow! If you have been injured in an accident, contact a Springfield personal… READ MORE

Never Perform Field Sobriety Tests!

Published in DWI-Crim on January 23, 2018

First things first—NEVER DRINK AND DRIVE. Choosing to drive after you’ve consumed too many alcoholic beverages can have catastrophic, life-changing effects on your life and on the lives of others. However, no one is perfect and you may have a lapse in judgment that results in your getting stopped by law enforcement for driving while intoxicated. If you ever find… READ MORE

When A Co-Owner of Real Estate No Longer Wants Joint Ownership

Published in Real Estate on January 11, 2018

Many people end up in co-ownership or joint ownership situations where they are not satisfied. Oftentimes, this happens in the context of receiving an inheritance, either by a beneficiary deed (a deed which avoids probate and becomes effective at death) or other deed, or a distribution from an estate or trust.  Sometimes, it may be in the context of co-habitants… READ MORE

Who is Entitled to File a Lawsuit When a Loved One Dies?

Published in Personal Injury on January 4, 2018

Springfield accident lawsuits that are the result of someone’s death are generally referred to as wrongful death actions. Wrongful death cases can arise out of car accidents, medical malpractice, defective products, and other unfortunate situations. In some instances, family members and loved ones interested in holding responsible parties liable to pursue legal remedies by filing a civil lawsuit. In Missouri,… READ MORE

Who Pays the Legal Fees and Court Costs in a Lawsuit?

Published in Personal Injury on September 14, 2017

One of the most frequent questions clients ask is whether the defendant in their lawsuit (or the insurance company who is paying the claim) can be forced to pay the clients’ attorney fees. In almost all cases, the answer to that question is “no.” For more information about your specific case, contact a Springfield personal injury attorney today. Understanding the… READ MORE

Landlords & Tenants – The Implied Warranty of Habitability in Missouri

Published in Real Estate on August 24, 2017

When a tenant rents an apartment or a home from a landlord for his or her residence in the State of Missouri, there is an IMPLIED WARRANTY OF HABITABILITY that comes with the lease.  To say it another way, each time a landlord rents a residential apartment or house to a tenant, the landlord automatically assures the tenant that the… READ MORE

5 Tips for Dealing with Insurance Companies After an Accident

Published in Personal Injury on August 11, 2017

As I write this post, I am sitting on an airplane next to an insurance adjuster. The adjuster is poring over what appear to be claim files. Admittedly I did not get a good look at his paperwork since I didn’t want to appear nosy by looking over his shoulder. However, out of the corner of my eye I did… READ MORE

Should I Settle my Personal Injury Claim?

Published in Personal Injury on June 22, 2017

The overwhelming majority (between 90-95%) of personal injury cases settle without a trial. Personal injury cases can include car accidents, slip and falls, premises liability cases (where a person is injured because of some danger at a specific location), medical malpractice, and defective products. Because so many cases settle outside of a trial, it is important to know how the… READ MORE